Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yummo Lasagna!

I made the BEST lasagna in my entire life tonight! My kids usually HATE lasagna and they chowed this one up like note other! Dinner was a success for once and may husband is actually excited to take it to work for lunch.

I also had success at the local Deseret Industries tonight. Marc let me go to have some mommy time and I found 6 Dean Koontz books! What a deal for $5.00! I also got hit on while in one of them, dang me for forgetting my wedding ring. It was funny and I felt bad for the guy as well as flattered.


Aimee said...

I love Lasagna!!!

Hannah's hair looks so pretty here! :)

D.I. is the best place to get Dean Koontz books. I always find at least 3, and they are usually only 50 cents! hard cover ones, and bigger/nicer ones are more ;) Dave loves it!!!! :)

Rachael Grotegut said...

You need to post that Lasagna recipe, I always make gross lasagna.

I love the D.I.! They are the best place for Dean Koontz books!